Here is Meijer's coupon policy taken directly from their online site:
Here's my take on Meijer's coupon policy. You can stack a Meijer (store coupon) with a manufacturer coupon, and they do accept all valid coupons, including those printed online. You are NOT able to receive overage with coupons, the coupons will match the sales price.
When accepting coupons, Meijer uses the following guidelines:
- We accept two kinds of coupons; Meijer issued coupons and manufacturer coupons.
- Only one manufacturer coupon and one Meijer coupon for the same item will be accepted (unless prohibited).
- Mealbox coupons are considered Meijer coupons.
- We accept all valid internet coupons. See store for details.
- We reserve the right to limit quantities.
- If the value of the coupon is more than the price of the item after discounts or coupons are applied, the value of the coupon will be applied up to the price of the item.
- We do not apply the excess value of a coupon to the order total if the value of the coupon is over the price of the item after discounts or coupons are applied.
- Only coupons for products carried in our stores will be accepted.
- All coupons should be given to the cashier while you're checking out and cannot be applied to a previous purchase.
Meijer does offer their own coupons that you can PRINT online.
You can also sign up to receive savings alerts from Meijer via text messages or pre-recorded messages, CLICK HERE.
Sign Up Here to receive email messages regarding Meijer's great sales.
Finally, you can also sign up for the Meijer 1 Card
- Receive rewards for all your Meijer shopping, including gas and convenience store purchases!
- No minimum or maximum spending amount.
- Purchases can be made with cash, PIN-debit card or a Meijer Credit Card.
- Receive exclusive savings periodically!
- Your account is accessible anytime online at
Kroger does not have an official coupon policy manual available, but after doing some research, I have come across some good sites with information regarding Kroger's policies on coupons. One site that is excellent is, she has put together a whole list of great information, that you can read over yourself.
Here is my take on everything from all my research.
Internet Coupons
Kroger does accept Internet Printed coupons, but this can vary from store to store, so you may want to ask the General Mgr at your store what their policy is. Taken from is the following that was from Kroger's Corporate HQ:
Kroger's weekly ad/sales begin on Mondays and end on Sundays. However, this can vary from region to region, this does seem to be true for the Great Lakes Region. If you are not in the Great Lakes Region please contact me and I will be happy to find out for you.
Coupon Policy
Kroger does require its customers to have a Store Loyalty Card in order to receive their weekly sales. Just ask your cashier or at the customer service desk for a card, it is free to sign up and use. You can go here to sign up your Loyalty Card.
You can use 2 coupons for Kroger's BOGO sales
Kroger does NOT accept competitor coupons -SORRY :( -
Kroger will double coupons usually up to $.50 but some will double up to $1, this is dependent upon each store, you will have to inquire with the General Mgr what their coupon doubling policy is in your store.
Kroger does not limit the number of coupons or products you can use or purchase per transaction. However, they do limit they number of coupons they will double per transaction - usually only 3 coupons per like item per transaction, you will need to check with your store on their limit.
Kroger does accept eCoupons: Coupons that you can load directly unto your Kroger Loyalty Card, and it will be deducted automatically at check out.
Kroger does offer between $.03-$.05 for reusable bags that you bring from home, you will have to ask your store how much they offer for reusable bags. Just let them know how many you have and they will credit you for each one you brought and use.
Coley's Q's
Bargains to Bounty
The Family Saver
Saving With Shellie
Each month Rite Aid offers rebates on certain items in their store. These items are marked weekly in the stores ad/sales flyer as having a Single Check Rebate (SCR). Unlike Walgreens or CVS, where you receive your in store discount immediately after paying for the item, Right Aid has you log on to their site and submit for a check ONCE a month for all the in store savings.
You can go to Rite Aid's site and see all the SCR that are available for the month (keep in mind that Rite Aid's month is not necessarily the actual calendar month, you will have to make sure to note the exact dates)
Make sure that once you purchase your items to HANG ON TO YOUR RECEIPTS, you will need them to log into the web site to submit for your rebates. My suggestion is that you go straight home from your shopping excursion and immediately enter in your receipt/s from your shopping trip, so that you do forget about them or lose them.
One you have entered in all the required information from your reciept/s, Rite Aid will verify the receipt and mark each qualifying rebate as "waiting for you to request check". You are able to enter as many receipts as you want during the month-long period.
IMPORTANT: You can only request ONE check per month-long period, so you will want to make sure you are completely done with all your shopping excursions at Rite Aid BEFORE you submit for a rebate, otherwise you will be out for the rest of the month and can easily miss you on other great sale deals. Rite Aid will allow time to submit your SCR. For instance if their April month long period runs March 27- April 23, they will give you until May 25 to get your April SCR submitted and request a check.
There are some definite pros to this system (and some obvious cons) but you get all of your rebates in ONE single check, which you can then deposit into your bank account and use anywhere on anything. Unlike, Walgreens or CVS where you can only use the RR or ECB in their stores.
You can still make money on this system. Say you are buying body wash that is priced at $4, and you will receive an SRC for $4 (making the item FREE), and you have a manufacturer coupons for $2. When you check out present the coupon, pay only $2 oop, and submit for a $4 SRC, making this a $2 MM!
This is a store card that you can sign up for here. Basically you earn points for non-prescription purchases and prescription purchases.
Non-Prescription Items: Earn One point for every dollar you spend
Prescription Items: Earn 25 points for every prescription you purchase
There are three different member levels:
Plus: once you earn 125 points - you will receive a One time pass for 10% off your non-prescription items
Silver: earn 500 pts - receive 10% off all non-prescription items every day
Gold: earn 1000pts - receive 20% off all non-prescription items every day
Other Benefits of the Wellness Rewards Card Include: Member only savings, 10% off Rite Aid products every day, & 24/7 access to a pharmacist when you call 1-800-RiteAid
The Wellness Card does not effect your SRC, in fact you can save money oop, and still submit for the full refund of the SRC product.
Budget Saving Mom
Clipper Girl
Madame Deals
Here is my take on everything from all my research.
Internet Coupons
Kroger does accept Internet Printed coupons, but this can vary from store to store, so you may want to ask the General Mgr at your store what their policy is. Taken from is the following that was from Kroger's Corporate HQ:
We do accept internet coupons, providing the following is true:Weekly Ad/Sales
1) The coupon is not for a Free product or for more than 75% off the original cost - we do not accept those
from the internet.
2) The coupon scans properly at the register. If the registers do not register is, it is most likely not a valid
3) If the coupon is altered in any way.
Other than that, yes, we now accept Internet coupons. You may simply provide your cashier with the coupon at the time of check out and as long as it scans, it is fine.
Kroger's weekly ad/sales begin on Mondays and end on Sundays. However, this can vary from region to region, this does seem to be true for the Great Lakes Region. If you are not in the Great Lakes Region please contact me and I will be happy to find out for you.
Coupon Policy
You can use 2 coupons for Kroger's BOGO sales
Kroger does NOT accept competitor coupons -SORRY :( -
Kroger will double coupons usually up to $.50 but some will double up to $1, this is dependent upon each store, you will have to inquire with the General Mgr what their coupon doubling policy is in your store.
Kroger does not limit the number of coupons or products you can use or purchase per transaction. However, they do limit they number of coupons they will double per transaction - usually only 3 coupons per like item per transaction, you will need to check with your store on their limit.
Kroger does accept eCoupons: Coupons that you can load directly unto your Kroger Loyalty Card, and it will be deducted automatically at check out.
Kroger does offer between $.03-$.05 for reusable bags that you bring from home, you will have to ask your store how much they offer for reusable bags. Just let them know how many you have and they will credit you for each one you brought and use.
Coley's Q's
Bargains to Bounty
The Family Saver
Saving With Shellie
Each month Rite Aid offers rebates on certain items in their store. These items are marked weekly in the stores ad/sales flyer as having a Single Check Rebate (SCR). Unlike Walgreens or CVS, where you receive your in store discount immediately after paying for the item, Right Aid has you log on to their site and submit for a check ONCE a month for all the in store savings.
You can go to Rite Aid's site and see all the SCR that are available for the month (keep in mind that Rite Aid's month is not necessarily the actual calendar month, you will have to make sure to note the exact dates)
Make sure that once you purchase your items to HANG ON TO YOUR RECEIPTS, you will need them to log into the web site to submit for your rebates. My suggestion is that you go straight home from your shopping excursion and immediately enter in your receipt/s from your shopping trip, so that you do forget about them or lose them.
One you have entered in all the required information from your reciept/s, Rite Aid will verify the receipt and mark each qualifying rebate as "waiting for you to request check". You are able to enter as many receipts as you want during the month-long period.
IMPORTANT: You can only request ONE check per month-long period, so you will want to make sure you are completely done with all your shopping excursions at Rite Aid BEFORE you submit for a rebate, otherwise you will be out for the rest of the month and can easily miss you on other great sale deals. Rite Aid will allow time to submit your SCR. For instance if their April month long period runs March 27- April 23, they will give you until May 25 to get your April SCR submitted and request a check.
There are some definite pros to this system (and some obvious cons) but you get all of your rebates in ONE single check, which you can then deposit into your bank account and use anywhere on anything. Unlike, Walgreens or CVS where you can only use the RR or ECB in their stores.
You can still make money on this system. Say you are buying body wash that is priced at $4, and you will receive an SRC for $4 (making the item FREE), and you have a manufacturer coupons for $2. When you check out present the coupon, pay only $2 oop, and submit for a $4 SRC, making this a $2 MM!
This is a store card that you can sign up for here. Basically you earn points for non-prescription purchases and prescription purchases.
Non-Prescription Items: Earn One point for every dollar you spend
Prescription Items: Earn 25 points for every prescription you purchase
There are three different member levels:
Plus: once you earn 125 points - you will receive a One time pass for 10% off your non-prescription items
Silver: earn 500 pts - receive 10% off all non-prescription items every day
Gold: earn 1000pts - receive 20% off all non-prescription items every day
Other Benefits of the Wellness Rewards Card Include: Member only savings, 10% off Rite Aid products every day, & 24/7 access to a pharmacist when you call 1-800-RiteAid
The Wellness Card does not effect your SRC, in fact you can save money oop, and still submit for the full refund of the SRC product.
Budget Saving Mom
Clipper Girl
Madame Deals