I wanted to take a moment to introduce you to Groupon.com. I have really come to love this site, as it provides the best deals from all over the country.
Here's how it works. A company in your area will offer it's services or products at a very deep discounted rate, there is a requirement of the number of people that must purchase the deal in order for "The Deal To Be On!".
For example, today Orlando's deal of the day is $15 for $30 worth of Indian Fare and Drinks at Aashirwad. That is a 50% savings! The required at least 25 people to buy the deal, which happened at 9:01am today. If the right amount of people had not bought the deal, then deal would not happen and if you were one of the few who wanted to participate in the deal would not be charged.
I will start posting the daily deals for various cities every day. Please let me know which city you live in and I will add your deal to the list!
You can also use Scoutmob. They have similar daily deals as well!
Thanks, Meri! I had heard of them, I guess I never suggested them only because they don't offer deals in Florida (where I am)! But absolutely for those of you where they do offer deals. Thanks for suggesting this one!